One major benefit from regular exercise is oxygen feed. You will feel good with the extra oxygen intake and the delivery of oxygen all over your body. We are going to share with you a second simulation of the feel good factor. Find a 5 or 10 pound weight and carry it around with you […]
Posts Tagged ‘regular exercise’
Oxygen Feed from Exercising

If you have read our previous post – What do fit people say? You may be wondering what is it about exercise that produces all those positive effects? For one is – Oxygen Feed. Aerobic exercise does for the body what no other activity can do because of one major event: utilization of oxygen. Sure, […]
Feeling Good Simulation through Exercise

To simulate what feeling better is – try this simple exercise: First, take your left hand and place it over your mouth. Breathe. Second, take your right hand and pinch your nose closed. Try to breathe. Wait just a few moments. Now release hands from your face.