Here are more stretching tips you can perform conveniently within your home. You can do that before and after a workout or fitness regime in your home gym. Make sure you do not bounce or jerk during the stretching exercise.
Posts Tagged ‘exercise’
Take time to stretch before exercising

You should take time to stretch before and after your regular exercising session, whether is at home on fitness equipment or at the gym. Each stretching exercise below can be performed for at least 10 seconds.
Can you exercise effectively at home without the regular gym visit?

For me exercise is as necessary for survival as eating and drinking. When I don’t exercise for a few days I feel sluggish and fat and my body starts losing its muscle tone.
Importance of Keeping Fit

Look at some six month old or six year old children. See how they never stop moving. Each and every muscle in their tiny bodies is constantly employed. The six month old is experimenting – starting to use and build the muscles that should last a lifetime. Alas this isn’t always so. As they progress […]
Why Exercise?

Exercise does not work miracles, however. Contrary to popular opinion you do not lose much weight from it, unless it is very heavy physical exercise. What exercise does do for you is